The Incredible Hulk
"The Incredible Hulk" is a well-known Marvel Comics character, but it isn't typically associated with anime. The Hulk has appeared in various animated series and movies, but these are generally considered Western animation rather than anime, which is a style of animation that originated in Japan. However, I can certainly provide an article about "The Incredible Hulk" in the context of its animated adaptations. Here we go: The Incredible Hulk: A Journey Through Animated Adaptations The Incredible Hulk, one of Marvel Comics' most iconic characters, has been a staple in the world of animation for decades. Created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby, the Hulk first appeared in "The Incredible Hulk" #1 in 1962. The character, known for his immense strength and green skin, is the alter ego of Dr. Bruce Banner, a mild-mannered scientist who transforms into the Hulk when angered or stressed. Over the years, the Hulk has been featured in numerous anim...