"Star Trek: Prodigy"
"Star Trek: Prodigy" is an animated series that has brought a fresh and exciting perspective to the beloved Star Trek franchise. Premiering on Paramount+ on October 28, 2021, the series has captivated audiences with its engaging storytelling, vibrant animation, and a new generation of characters. Created by Kevin and Dan Hageman, "Star Trek: Prodigy" is designed to appeal to both long-time fans of the franchise and a younger audience, making it a significant addition to the Star Trek universe. Plot and Setting "Star Trek: Prodigy" is set in the Delta Quadrant, a distant region of space that was extensively explored in "Star Trek: Voyager." The series follows a group of young aliens who discover an abandoned Starfleet ship, the USS Protostar. These characters, who have never heard of Starfleet or the United Federation of Planets, embark on a journey to explore the galaxy and find their place in the universe. The central plot revolves around Dal,...