The World Is Still Beautiful
In the realm of romantic fantasy anime, "The World Is Still Beautiful" shines brightly as a treasure adored by countless fans. This series made its debut in 2014 and beautifully showcases the strength of love and determination amidst political schemes and cultural conflicts. It tells a captivating story of two unique individuals whose destinies intertwine despite their stark differences, both physically and symbolically. Let's explore the captivating realm of Nike Lemercier, the fourth princess of the Rain Dukedom, blessed with the extraordinary power to summon rain through her voice. In her land, rain holds a special significance beyond mere weather; it symbolizes life and abundance. On the other side, we have the Sun Kingdom, governed by the remarkable Sun King, Livius Orvinus Ifrikia, whose domain flourishes under the blazing sun, lacking the soothing embrace of rain. The tale progresses as Nike embarks on a voyage to wed Livius, a strategic decision to bring together ...